Prefixed Commands
Before Discord added slash commands, all bots had prefixed commands. A user would type the bot's prefix
followed by a word or phrase to invoke a command, such as ?help
or !help
However, this prefixed commands system isn't native to Discord! Developers made use of an on_message
event to check if the message began with a certain character, then invoke the command. Every time a
message was sent, the bot would see the message and check for its "prefix"
The syntax becomes a little more complicated when you want to have multiple commands. There are several
disadvantages to this system. This is where the commands extension comes in. ext.commands
various advantages, such as:
- Simpler syntax
- Easier to use
- Easier to parse user input
- Comes with built-in help commands
- Comes with a built-in system for categorizing commands
- Using Events to Create Prefixed Commands
- Using the Commands Extension
import discord
client = discord.Client()
async def on_message(message):
if message.content.startswith("!ping"):
elif message.content.startswith("!announce"):
if len(message.content.split(" ")) < 3:
await"You need to specify a title and a message. Correct usage: `!announce Hello Hello everyone!`")
msg = message.content.split(" ", 2)
title = msg[1]
content = msg[2]
await"**{}**\n{}".format(title, content))
elif message.content.startswith("!"):
await"Unknown command.")
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
async def ping(ctx):
await ctx.send("Pong!")
async def announce(ctx, title, *, message):
await ctx.send("**{}**\n{}".format(title, message))
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
await ctx.send("Unknown command.")
The commands extension has many more uses. This example only showcases the basic features mentioned in the previous example. Other things you can do with the commands extension include using a different built-in help command and creating your own. The following tutorials showcase these.
Before we check out the syntax, let's take a look at the bot classes.
- Contains only events.
- Subclassesdiscord.Client
, adds commands.
- Subclassesdiscord.Bot
, adds prefixed commands, cogs, and more.
This means that discord.ext.commands.Bot
has both slash commands and prefixed commands, as well as
events, cogs and more.
Now let's look at the syntax.
import discord
from discord.ext import commands # Import the commands extension
# discord.ext.commands are not the same as discord.commands!
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!") # You can change the command prefix to whatever you want.
@bot.command() # This is the decorator we use to create a prefixed command.
async def ping(ctx): # This is the function we will use to create the command.
await ctx.send("Pong!") # This is the response the bot will send."token") # Run the bot with your token.
The help command is a built-in command and is enabled by default. You will learn more about it in the following guides.
Prefixed commands can take parameters, just like slash commands. You can specify the parameters in the function itself.
async def echo(ctx, *, message):
await ctx.send(message)
is the context of the message. *
means that the parameter can be any number of words. message
is the parameter. If you had not passed *
, message
would only have been one word.
For example, if a user had used !echo hello world
, message
would have been hello
. Since we
passed *
, message
is hello world
, or the rest of the message.
We can pass multiple parameters too!
async def echo(ctx, channel:discord.TextChannel, title, *, message):
await channel.send("**{}**\n{}".format(title, message))
In the example above, channel
is a parameter that is of type discord.TextChannel
. When you
specify the type of the parameter, Pycord will automatically try to convert the parameter to that type.
That is why you can use channel.send
directly without needing to convert it first.
We also have a new parameter, title
. This does not have a type, so it will be a string. *
that the rest of the message belongs to the next parameter, in this case, message
When a user types !echo #general Greetings! Hello World!
, channel
will be the text channel
, title
will be Greetings!
and message
will be Hello World!
Let's take an example where the user passes !echo #general Holiday Greetings! Greetings to you all!
Here, the user wants the title to be "Holiday Greetings!" and the message to be "Greetings to you all!".
However, since Pycord parses the message at whitespaces, the title will end up being "Holiday" and the
message "Greetings! Greetings to you all!". The user can prevent this by typing !echo "Holiday
Greetings!" Greetings to you all!
Let's check out another example for parameters and parameter types.
import random
async def gtn(ctx, guess:int):
number = random.randint(1, 10)
if guess == number:
await ctx.send("You guessed it!)
await ctx.send("Nope! Better luck next time :)")
If you had not specified the type of the parameter, it would have been a string. And since "5"
is not
the same as 5
in python, the bot would have responded with "Nope! Better luck next time :)".
Even if you do not specify the type of the parameter, you can still convert it later on, in this case,
with int(guess)